Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Happy New Year!

I've been feeling strangely spiritual this week so please bare with me,
normal transmission will resume shortly.

Celtic tradition begins the Wheel of the Year at Samhain (Halloween), commencing a season of darkness where the veil between the worlds are at their thinnest and the souls of those departed can commune with those in this world. It is a time of assessment, of making the final arrangements that will help the village survive the winter.
Samhain is also a time of introspection, a time to acknowledge our weaknesses and divest ourselves of traits we no longer need. Let go of past failures and sadness, banish fear and prepare for renewal and good fortune. The winter may be long and harsh, but the Son will rise again.
It is tradition on Samhain night to leave a plate of food outside the home for the souls of the dead. A candle placed in the window guides them to the lands of eternal summer, and burying an apple in the earth 'feeds' the passed ones on their journey.
Blessed Be!
- Tamara

Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Be a Saver, not a Spender

As I mentioned yesterday, there weren't enough sewing related stalls at the Love Vintage Summer Show for my liking but, surprise, surprise, I still managed to buy something.
Australian Home Journal, April 1st, 1946.

The seller I purchased this April 1946 edition of the Australian Home Journal from had loads of these for sale - in varying condition and she even had multiple copies, which is almost unheard of. They all came complete with their patterns but were sealed so you couldn't get a look at the condition inside.
Ordinarily, I don't like to spend more than $10 on these magazines, especially if I don't get the chance to woman-handle it first, so $18 for this one was a bit excessive. But look at that dress on the left! Would you have been able to resist?
While the quality of the inside pages left a lot to be desired, I did happen upon a couple of lovely knitting patterns and adverts I'd like to share with you guys. 
Even though the weather here is on the improve,
I want one of these two-tone jumpers!
It's so freakin' cute!!
This is the rest of the instructions for both the blouse and jumper
should anyone out there want to knit one up.
Oh, and before I forget, this was what I wore to the Show (sans hat).
 My all time favourite dress; a Madeleine Faith design from Saks Fifth Avenue.
It cost me a small fortune but it was well worth it, it fits like it was made for me.
¡ QuĂ© belleza!
- Tamara


Monday, 15 October 2012

Summer Lovin'?

I had hoped to do this post last week, but things got crazy 'round here - several unexpected visitors, evening activities and the like - and before I knew it, the week had disappeared.
Last weekend was the Summer edition of the Love Vintage Show, you may recall the winter show was held in mid-May. I hadn't intended on going this time, but the weather turned nasty and all outdoor plans for the weekend were abandoned. Plus, we had nothing better to do.  
Although I had been assured there would be more stalls at the Summer Fair, things really weren't all that different from the previous one. The sellers were all still crowded up one end of the building and there only seemed to be one or two new stalls. I don't know, maybe it's all starting to look the same. There were also some sellers who were super-protective of their merchandise with regard to taking photos - I was very nearly crash-tackled by one when I tried to snap a pic of a pretty dress! Poor form I say, it's never been a problem before.
Thankfully, not everyone was that militant...
An adorable take on the vintage poodle brooch by Erstwilder.
Gorgeous vintage inspired head wear by Dandy Long Legs.
More divine creations from Dandy Long Legs.
This compact/cigarette case combo almost makes me
 want to take up smoking, just so I can use it!
An original birdcage veil, still in its box.
A pretty green party dress. I would have liked to
have tried this beauty on, but we were on our way
out when it beckoned to me.
A timely reminder stationed next the change rooms.
While there were still lots of lovely things to look at and it was a pleasant day out, I don't think I'll bother to attend the next one. There were nowhere near enough sewing stalls!
- Tamara

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Button Bonanza - The Bounty!

As anyone who sews knows, the right buttons can really make an outfit. I'm currently working on a 1950s coat dress and went to Buttonfest hoping to find the perfect fastenings to finish it off - unfortunately I neglected to take into account I'd need fifteen identical ones. Large quantities of vintage buttons are a rarity (apparently), but I was lucky enough to find some buttons I could work with and they were only twenty cents each!
While I don't really have any projects in mind for the rest of my treasures, at five cents to one dollar a piece, they were too good a bargain to leave behind. Plus, you can never have too many notions in your stash.

Can you tell I have coats & jackets on the brain?
Some random black & reds...
For some reason, the pink & brown buttons at the front
make me think of ice cream.
The holes in the blue/grey buttons have been made on an angle which means when they're sewn on, they'll sit asymmetrically. I can't wait to use them! Oh, and the green buttons on the right are carved glass and were $1 a piece! Hello, 1930s blouse? 
And lastly, my favourite find of the afternoon,
pale blue glass with gold accents.
So pretty & shiny....
- Tamara

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Button Bonanza!

Last week's school holiday workshop was quite the success! We had twenty three participants and the lone male ended up being the star of the afternoon. Personally, I would have liked there to have been a bit more structure to the class, with a few quick demonstrations to get them started, but everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. My group was apparently a bit too over-simulated after we'd packed up and were asked to wait outside for their parents - what did the organisers expect after feeding them biscuits and soft drink for afternoon tea?
This weekend The Victorian Button Collectors Club held their annual 'Buttonfest' event and what an event it was! This year's theme was buttons from three related eras, each with distinctive styles - Arts & Crafts, Art Nouveau and Art Deco. I purely with the intention of shopping for buttons, I had no idea there would be Art Deco loveliness on display!
Be prepared to 'Ooooh' & 'Aahhh' over these beauties, some of them were even for sale!


As you can imagine, I came home with quite a haul so stayed tuned for another pic heavy post tomorrow when I share my bounty.
- Tamara