Thursday, 21 July 2011

So much junk, so little time...

According to "The Op Shop Guide - Victoria" there are no less than 11 opportunity (thrift) shops located in the Bendigo area; as the title says, so much junk, so little time...
The main purpose of yesterday's trip was to acquire wool (mission accomplished) so the chances of visiting even half of these potential treasure troves were slim. Incredibly we only visited one and that yielded very little of interest. We did manage to get to several of the antique shops in View St, but I was disappointed to note all but one of the traders seemed genuinely happy to have potential customers in their store. That said however, I was able to take couple of pics of some the fun stuff on offer.
A framed 1930s era chorus girl poster.

This nifty little record player has a built in CD player and USB port, all wrapped up in a funky retro casing.
I was particularly taken with these adorable little beaded animals but we already have our quota of pets.
Another fun thing which can be found in View St, is the Bendigo Art Gallery. They often bring international exhibitions to rural Victoria and I'm really looking forward to the upcoming ones. Next month sees the opening of 'The White Wedding Dress: 200 Years of Wedding Fashion' which I plan to see and will hopefully have some pics to share too. Then in December there's 'Made in Hollywood: Photographs from the John Kobal Foundation', a collection of studio portraits from the 1920s - 1960s. And finally, the big one, 'Grace Kelly: Style Icon' in March 2012. These exhibitions have the potential to contain so many beautiful things to swoon over, make sure to mark it in your diary!

- Tamara


  1. Hello. Can you please tell me the make of the record player? Thanks! Your blog is wonderful!

    1. Thanks! I've checked through the other pics I took of the USB record player but I'm afraid none of them show the name clearly - it does end in 'ley'.

      Sorry I can't be of more help.
