Saturday, 10 December 2011

Sold! Sold! Sold!

Yesterday's trip to the auction was so much fun!

There were several things I could have bought, just because they were cheap, but I managed to restrain myself. My purchases were well researched due to my attending the viewing, however there were a couple of impulse buys too.

First up is the reason why I had to back to the auction:
a mid-1940s Bridal Coat with hood.

Isn't it gorgeous?
I'm thinking of dying it a deep claret red and attaching a fur trim. Divine!

The price of this adorable vintage travel clothesline just kept going down and down and for $10 it was too darned cute to leave behind.

A pair of traditional Spanish flamenco hats and embroidered belt were also an impulse buy but too good a bargain at $20 for the lot.

You saw this Lanvin dress yesterday but now it's mine!
I think I'm going to shorten it to just below knee length so it will be more wearable.
Also, check out how sexy the back is!

When I saw this liquid satin bias cut wedding dress (with slip) from the 1930s at the viewing, I had hoped to buy it. It was listed at $80 to $120 which made it a out of my price range but there was no interest so I offered $50. Surprisingly, it was accepted. It's a shame it's too big - hence the ridiculous pose - but it really is beautiful.

I tried to resist but when I heard the words 'fur hat' and $10 I just couldn't help myself.

Plus, it came with a faux-cord handbag, a little tacky but the clasp is in great condition.

All in all a good day's shopping!
Happy Friday everyone!


  1. Oh! Don't cut the Lavin! Don't do it! It's so beautiful!

  2. Fabulous catches! I just love them!!!
