Friday, 20 July 2012

Fashionable Friday

Now that I'm on the mend, I've managed to get the second sleeve on my 1940s blouse but it's still slow going. I am hoping to do some more work on it this weekend, but in the meantime, let's take a look at some more winter-warming styles from The Weekly Times Magazine Section.

Have a good weekend!

- Tamara


  1. I LOVE the thirties fashion pictures - the ladies are so long and slinky!

    So pleased that you are feeling better.

  2. What lovely, long-lined, beautiful styles. I've always really liked the deep, plush collars that many 20s and 30s coats featured, as I suspect they'd be wonderfully useful at helping to keep the fierce Canadian cold at bay during the winter.

    ♥ Jessica
